We service Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
We also perform certain repairs on Android Tablets/Phones and iPhones/iPads

**Free Diagnosis and Estimates**

We pickup and deliver!

  • Virus/Malware Removal
  • Optimization of software and Operating System
  • Hardware Testing
  • Desktop and laptop repairs and upgrades
  • Advanced Data Recovery
  • Data Transfer and Placement
  • Data Backup Setup
  • New and refurbished desktop computers (brand name or custom built)
    • Gaming Desktops
  • New and refurbished laptop computers
    • We also diagnose and repair laptops (screens, keyboards and more)
  • Network device setup and configuration (Wired & Wireless)
  • Printer setup
  • Email Setup
  • Setup or move desktop/laptop work spaces on-site
  • Camera and other consumer electronics setup
  • Gaming Console Setup
  • Blu-ray Setup
  • Smart/Internet Ready TV Setup
  • Remote Monitoring, Maintenance and Support
  • Cloud Data Storage/Backup
  • Personal mobile device (Phone/Tablet) management, repair and setup
    • We service Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad) devices
    • Android & iOS (iPad/iPhone) tune-up and cleanup services
  • Old Equipment Drop-off and Disposal

Contact us to see how Netlinux can assist with your IT needs today! Our contact page offers a variety of options to reach out.

Contact Us today!